
Surgical & Non-Invasive Procedures

“The best therapist has fur and four legs”


General Surgery

Our team has over 50 years of combined surgery experience. We will carefully screen your pet prior to surgery to make sure that your pet is healthy for anesthesia. We’ll also take into account their breed, age, previous medical history, and the procedure being performed.

Most surgeries are done as outpatient procedures, so you’ll be able to bring your pet home late afternoon/early evening. If your pet needs to stay overnight, our boarding facilities will keep them comfortable during their recovery.



Dental problems aren’t just a human issue. In fact, 80% of dogs and cats over the age of 3 suffer from some form of dental disease. That’s why it’s so important to bring your pet in for dental checkups at least once a year.

Here are some things to look for that may be a sign of dental disease:

  • Bad breath

  • Stained yellow or brown teeth

  • Loose teeth

  • Red, swollen, or inflamed gums

  • Swollen mouth or gums

  • No longer chewing on toys/bones

  • Reduced appetite

  • Weight loss



There’s nothing worse than having a pet go missing. Unfortunately, over 10 million pets go missing every year — leaving their owners heartbroken. We can microchip your pet during a routine exam.

Microchipping your pet offers invaluable peace of mind and significantly increases the chances of a happy reunion should they ever go missing. Unlike collars and tags that can be lost or removed, microchips provide a permanent form of identification embedded safely beneath your pet's skin, linking them to your contact information. This technology has proven instrumental in reuniting countless lost pets with their owners, often even when separated over long distances or years. With the rise of stray animals and the potential for accidents or theft, microchipping ensures a reliable method of identification, offering your beloved companion the best chance of being swiftly returned home, safe and sound.



Neutering your pet is not only important for population control, but will help to prevent medical conditions that can become somewhat costly as your dog or cat ages.  

Because of the importance of this surgical procedure, we do our best to make it affordable to ALL pet owners. Our surgical fees include the physical exam, pre-operative medications (if needed), anesthesia, surgical monitoring, pain medication, the surgery itself, and any post surgical re-exams (if needed). 


Surgical Monitoring

Before a surgery, we carefully screen our pet patients to make sure they’re healthy for anesthesia.

Monitoring of the anesthetized patient is a continual process from pre-medication to full recovery. Your pet will be monitored by state-of-the-art monitoring machines that are capable of monitoring the heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, EKG, and ETCO2.



Our Services