

“It’s difficult to understand why people don’t realize that pets are gifts to mankind.”



Boarding is only available for existing clients. Dogs are walked 3-4 times a day, and they are in a cage or run during their stay.  Once the hospital closes, your pet is alone until we re-open the following day. To ensure accommodations, please arrange your pets stay with us at least one week in advance. Of course, if it’s an emergency, we’ll do our best to make room.  

When boarding your pet, please bring the following items:

  • Any specific instructions that will help us care for your pet

  • Medications in their original bottles

  • Let us know if your pet is on a specific diet regimen so that we can let you know if you need to bring food or if it can be provided.

We supply all boarding patients with food and water as well as comfy bedding. To prevent any items from being misplaced, please do not bring anything from home.


Medical Boarding

We are not a 24 hour facility, however we cater to the specific needs of each patient and provide daily medical assessments as well as administering medication, and overall monitoring and care.  

If we feel your pet’s condition requires 24-hour care, we will suggest an alternative option.


Our Services